UTU Previous Year Exam Papers
B Tech III Semester Back Paper Examination - 2016
Time : 3 Hours
Note : (i) Attempt ALL questio ns.
(ii) All Questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Be precise in your answer.
Total Marks : 100
1. Attempt any four parts of th e following: (5 × 4 = 20)
(a) Write the traversing a lgorithm for a linear array.
(b) Write down algorithm for evaluation of prefix expression using stack?
(c) What do you mean b y malloc() and calloc() functions? Explain.
(d) What is a data structu re? Differentiate between primitive and non- primitive data structure?
(e) Explain the following term:
Time complex ity
ii) Sparse matrix
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Attempt any four parts of th e following:
(5 × 4 = 20)
(a) Write a program in C to concatenate two singly linked list.
(b) Write a C program for deleting a node from the specified position in the linked list.
(c) Give short notes on:
i) Dequeue ii) Priority queue
(d) Write a C program to implement a queue using linked list.
(e) What is doubly link ed list? Write an algorithm for insertion of a n element in a doubly linked list.
3. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 × 2 = 20)
(a) Discuss the array representation of the binary tree. Write a C progra m that will count all the nodes of a binary tree .
(b) Define AVL tree. Starting with an empty tree, built the AVL tree b fo llowing sequence of
insertion E,K,B,N,L,P,F,M. Also label the rotations according to their types.
(c) Write an algorithm fo r insertion in a Binary Search Tree. Show the Binary Search tree built from a sequence of in sertion for the following sequence of keys: ,16 ,11,14,6,3,17,19,13,1,5
4. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 × 2 = 20)
(a) Describe the concept of binary search techniques and also write its algorithm. Is it efficient than sequential search .
(b) Explain the following with their complexities:
i) Insertion sorting ii) Selection sorting.
(c) Write an algorithm to implement merge sort. Discuss its efficiency. A lso sort the following
25, 57, 48, 37, 12, 92, 86, 33.
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Attempt any two parts of the following:
(10 × 2 = 20)
(a) Write short notes on:
i) B+ tree ii) Indexed Sequential files
(b) What is hashing? Giv e the characteristics of hash function. What are different methods of handling overflow in hashing?
(c) Explain the structure of indexed sequential files? What is difference between sequential file and indexed sequenti al file?