Saturday, 19 September 2015
SEM.II, 2011
Total Marks :100
Attempt any 4 questionOn the basis of molecular orbital theory explain the paramagnetic nature of O2 molecule.
Explain conductivity in conductors, semiconductors and insulators with the help of band theory.
What is a hydrogen bond? Explain why p-nitrophenol is more soluble in water than o-nitrophenol.
What is Bragg's Law? How the density of a unit cell can be calculated?
Give the mechanism of the following reactions:
(i) Beckmann Rearrangement
(ii) Pinacol-pinacolonone rearrangement.
What is E-Z system of nomenclature? In what way it is better than cis-trans nomenclature?
Derive the equation for the rate constant of a second order reaction where concentrations of both the reactants are different. Under which condition a second order reactions behaves like a first order reaction?
What is activation energy? How is the rate constant of reaction related to the activation energy for a reaction can be determined?
What is a buffer solution? How it is prepared? Explain the buffer action.
What is electrochemical theory of corrosion? Discuss the mechanism of electrochemical corrosion of iron.
Write a short note on the zeolite process for watersoftening. What are the advantages of zeolite process over LS process?
State Kohlrausch’s law and give account of the various application of this law.
Attempt any 2 question(i) Explain the process of vulcanization. Give the preparation (equation only) and uses of two synthetic rubbers
(ii) Write short note on:
(a) Bulk polymerization
(b) Emulsion polymerization
(i) Give the preparation and uses of PMMA and polyurethane.
(ii) What are conducting polymers? How polymers can be converted to their conducting form? Give two examples of such polymers.
Discuss in detail different types of polymerization methods.
Attempt any 2 question(i) What are the properties of a good fuel? Define the gross and net calorific values for a fuel.
(ii) A bomb calorimeter experiment using 0.8 g of coal gave an increase in temp of 2.20C. The weight of waterin the calorimeter was 1250 g and the water equivalent of calorimeter was 125 g. Calculate the gross calorific value of the coal sample. If the coal contained 5.2% ofhydrogen calculate the net calorific value.
Write short note on any four of the following:
(i) Bio-mass
(ii) Bio-diesel
(iii) Pour point
(iv) Cloud point
(v) Viscosity Index.
(i) Distinguish between thin-film and boundary lubrication.
(ii) How are liquid lubricants classified? Discuss one important method for refining of mineral oils.
Attempt any 2 question(i) An organic compound with molecular formula C3H3Cl5gave the following proton NMR data:
(a) triplet at δ 4.52 (1H)
(b) doublet at δ 6.07 (2H)
Identify the compound.
(ii) What do you understand by shielding and deshielding in NMR? Define chemical shift.
(i) Indicate how will you differentiate between the following pairs of compound by NMR spectroscopy:
(a) Phenol and cyclohexanol
(b) CH3-C≡ C-CH3 and CH3-CH2 - C≡ CH
(c) CH3-CH2-OH and CH3-COOCH3
(d) CH3-CH2-CH2-NH2 and (CH3)3N
(e) CH3-CH2-OH and CH3-O-CH3
(ii) For a linear triatomic molecule AB show different modes of vibrations in IR.
(i) Explain the working of a mass spectrometer with the help of a neat diagram.
(ii) A standard hard water sample contains 1.5 g of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per liter. 20 mL of EDTA solution, while 100 mL of the sample water required 18 mL EDTA. The sample water after boiling required 12 mL EDTA solution. Calculate the temporary and permanent hardness of the sample water in ppm.
time : 3hr
Total marks :100
1. Attempt any two of the following :
(a) Lisf and explain some applications for largescreen
(b) Define the following terms :
(i) Primitive devices
(ii) Display file structure
(iii) Display control text.
(c) Set up a parallel version of Bresenham's
algorithm for straight lines of any slope.
2. Attempt any two of the following : l0x2
(a) Discuss various methods of storing the edge list
and their relative merits for pattern filling.
(b) Explain the followirig :
(i) Segments
(ii) SegmenTt able
(iii) Creating, deleting and renaming segments.
(c) Write a procedure to compute the elements of
the matrix for transforming object descriptions
from one Cartesian coordinate syst€m to another.
The second coordinate syst€lll is to be defined
with an origin point Po and a vector V that
gives the direction for the positive y' axis of
this system.
3. Attempt any two of the following : l0x2=20
(a) _ Prove the assertion that the transformation of a
line between two points A and B is equivalent
to the line between the transform of A and the
transform of B. Consider only the translation,
rotation, and scaling transformations.
(b) Find out the sequence of basic transformations
which are equivalent to y-direction shearing.
(c) Explain multiple windowing in detail.
4 Attempt any two of the following : 10x2:20
(a) What is the necessityf or 3-D clipping algorithm?
Explain any one 3-D clipping algorithm.
' (b) Explain event handling echoing.
(c) Derive the 3-D transformationm atrix for
reflecting a point about a plane.
5 Attempt any two of the following : l0x2:20
(a) Explain scan line algorithm for hidden surface
(b) Discusst he propertieso f the Bezier and B-spline
(c) Explain Rendering and Illumination
Microprocessor And Its Application
Microprocessor And Its Application
calculator is not allowed;
Q1: Attempt any four parts:
Draw the block diagram of microprocessor and explain it in brief.
Explain the physical address formation with the segment and offset words.
Discus the improvement of intel 8086 over intel 8085 microprecessor.
Describe the function of the 8086 queue. How does the queue speed up processing.
Discuss the features of 8085 interrupts. Also explain the SIM and RIM formats.
Describe memory segmentation? How can it generate the physical address, explain with example.
Q2: Attempt any four parts:
Draw the architecture of 8086 microprocessor and explain it in brief.
Discuss various types of addressing modes of Intel 8085 with suitable examples.
Explain the various data transfer techniques.
Draw the pin dia of 8085 microprocessor.
explain the minimum mode of operation in 8086 microprocessor.
Explain the instruction : SHLD 16-bit addr, DAA, STA 16 bit addr.
Q3: Attempt any two parts:
Draw the pin dia. of 8255. What are different operating modes of 8255? Discuss how to determine the control word for 8255. Discuss the BSR mode.
Draw and explain the block dia of keyboard display controller (8257).
Draw the internal architecture of 8253 and discuss various operating modes of 8253.
Q4: Attempt any two parts:
Describe the PCI bus with the help of suitable block diagram. What is the address and data bus width of PCI bus? What is the speed of the PCI bus.
Explain various DMA controllers. Write an 8086 assembly program to perform multiplication of two binary numbers.
Why is 8251 called a USART? Define the mode word register of 8251.
Q5: Attempt any two parts:
What is the difference between dual core and cord to duo? Explain the feature of different available advance microprocessors.
Write a short note on Pentium processor.
Draw and discuss the internal block diagram of 80486.
Data string using c++
Data string using c++
Time: 3 hoursTotal Marks: 100
>>Attempt any four of the following:
>Explain the meaning of following expression f(n) is n0(1)
>Prove the following statement
2n+a is 0(2n)
>Find the computational complexity for the following loop
for (cnt 4 = 0, i=1; i<=n, i*=2)
for (j=1; j<=i, j++)
cnt 4++;
>Write a member function to check whether two singly lists have the same contents.
>Write a member function to reverse a singly linked list using only one pass through the list.
>Write a function to insert a node in the middle of a doubly linked list.
>Attempt any two of the following:
>Define a queue in terms of a stack. Write a program using stack that determines whether an
Suggest an implementation of a stack to hold elements of two types such as structures and float numbers.
>Write a functions to add and delete elements from either end of the double-ended queue and also to return an element from either end.
>>Attempt any two of the following:
>Show that the hash function h(k) = k% 17 does not satisfy the one-way property, weak collision resistance, or strong collision resistance.
>Write search and insert functions for a hash table using random probing and the mid square hash function.
>Outline an algorithm to delete key from a table when the linear hashing method is used for inserting keys.
>>Attempt any two of the following:
>Write a function that checks whether a binary tree is perfectly balanced.
>Write a function to construct a winner tree for k records. Assume that K is a power of 2. Each node at which a tournament is played should store only a pointer to the winner.
Heap sort is unstable. Give an example of an input list in which the order of records with equal keys is not preserved.
>>Attempt any two of the following:
>Show that the sum of the vertices of an undirected graph is twice the number of edges.
Let G be an undirected graph with at least one vertex of odd degree. Show that G contains no Eulerian walk.
Let G be a connected graph and let T be any of its depth-first spanning trees. Show that G has no cross edges relative to T.
Design & Analysis of alogrithms
Design & Analysis of alogrithms
1. Attempt any two of the following :
(a) Let f (n) and g(n) be asymptotically positive
Functions Prove or disprove each of the following
(i) f(n) = o(g(n)) implies g(n) = o(f(n))
(ii) f (n)+g (n)- ᵩ(min(f(n ),g(n))).
(b) Show how to implement a first-in, first out
queue with a priority queue. Show how to
Implement a stack with a priority queue.
(c) Let X be a random variable that is equal to
the number of heads in two flip of a fair coin.
What is E[X2] ? What is E2[x]?
2 Attempt any two of the following:
(a) Give a recursive version of the tree-insert
(b) Argue that after executing RB-Delete-Fix up, the
root of the tree must be black,
(c) Write a recursive procedure OS-KEY-RANK
(T, K) that takes as input on order statistic tree
T and a key k and returns. The rank of k in
the dynamics set represented by T. Assume that
the keys of T are distinct.
3. Attempt any two of the following :
(a) Show how to reconstruct an LCS from the
completed C table and the original sequence
X =(x1, x2…….xm) and Y =( y1, y2…….yn) in
O(m +n) time without using the b table.
(b) Generalize Huffman's algorithm -to ternary
codewords (i.e. codewords using the symbols
0, I and, 2), and prove that it yields optimal
ternary codes.
(c) What is the total cost of executing n of the stack
operations PUSH POP and MUITITOB assuming
that the stack begins with S0 objects and
finishes with .Sn objects ?
4 Attempt any two of the following:
(a) Suppose that the graph G = (V, E) is represented
as an adjacency matrix. Give a simple
implementation of Prim’s algorithms so that it runs
in O(V2) time for this case.
(b) Give an efficient push-rebel algorithm o find a
maximum matching in a bipartite graph. Analyze
your algorithm.
(c) Suppose we run Johnson's algorithm on a
directed graph G with weight function w . Show
that if G contains a O-weight cycle c, then
w(U,'V')=0 for every edge (U,V) in c.
5 Attempt any two of the following :
(a) Construct he string-matching automation for the
pattern P = a a b a b and illustrate its operation
on the text string
T = a a a b a b a a b a a b a b a a b.
(b) Show that the subset-sum problem is solvable
in polynomial time if the target value I is
expressed in unary.
(c) .Write an efficient greedy algorithm that finds
an optimal vertex cover for a tree in linear time.
Attempt any Four
Define the word transducer? Also classify them?
State the 5 static characteristics of Transducer?
Explain the working of LVDT in addition with c type Bourdon
tube with proper diagram?
For what purposes Strain gauge is used ? Explain
semiconductor types & gauges?
What do you understand by temperature compensation? how
temperature compensation is done using Wheatstone bridge circuit using 2 active
Attempt any Two
With the help of appropriate diagram explain the working of
resistance temperature detector? Also state the difference between Thermistor
& amp; Resistance temperature decoder?
Give the basic idea about elastic pressure Elements? How
pressure measurement is done Bellows?
A Thermistor has a resistance of 10 kilo ohm at 25 degree
Celsius. The resistance temperature coefficient is -0.05/ degree Celsius. A
Wien’s Bridge Oscillator uses 2 identical Thermistors in the Frequency
determining part of the bridge .The value of capacitance used in the Bridge is
500pf .Calculate the value of frequency of oscillations for .
(a) 20 degree Celsius
(b) 25 degree Celsius
(c) 30 degree Celsius
Attempt any Two
Define Vibration and Shock? Also describe the need and
importance of Vibration measurement including the diff between Vibrometer and
Describe the construction of a Seismic type vibration
Transducer ? Derive the steady state o/p of the Transducer when a Sinusoidal
i/p is applied to it ?
Describe Tachometer? What r Electromagnetic and
Photoelectric type Tachometer?
Attempt any Two
What do u understands by Telemetry System / Also explain
Radio Telemetry.
What is SNR ? Why there is need to improve it ? And how
improvement of SNR is done.
Difference between Grounding and Shielding with the help of
proper diagram ?
Attempt any Two
With the help of block diagram explain DC as well as AC
electronic voltmeter?
What are current probes? Give the basic principal of
operation of AC and DC current probes?
Explain ramp and dual slope integration type digital
Time : 2 Hours]
[Total Marks :
Q.1 Attempt any four
(a) "various
terminals can be connected to a single UNIX based host machine". What does
terminal mean in this statement? Discuss different types of terminal.
(b) What are various
types of files in UNIX system? Give suitable example for each.
(c) Explain internal
and external commands with the help of suitable example.
(d) Distinguish
between Bourne shell and C shell.
(e) Explain
following commands with suitable examples:
ii. mov
iii. diff
(f ) What do
following command do? Explain:
i. $date +"%D %T"
ii. $chgrp alpha xyz.dat
iii. $chmod 644 xyz.dat
Q.2 Attempt any four
(a) How files are
stored on a UNIX system. How does a file determine maximum supported size of a
(b) Discuss UNIX
system architecture and also describe each of the following components.
(c) Write a command
to find all the files which have been accessed within the last 30 days.
(d) Write command to
create a user 'USER' with UID 123 and GID 'cse' and it is to b placed in the
/home directory.
(e) Discuss the
command related to mounting and unmounting a file system.
(f) Write command to
search for a sample string in particular file. Make necessary assumption.
Q.3 Attempt any two
(a) Explain the
difference between (i) block and
character device , (ii) major and minor numbers. Can two devices have the same
major and minor numbers?
(b) What are the
roles of a UNIX system administrator ?
(c) What is SCCS in
a UNIX system ? Discuss in brief
Q.4 Attempt any two
(a) Write a shell
script to calculate factorial of any number entered through keyboard.
(b) Write a shell
script which gets executed the moment the user logs in. It should display the
message "Good Evening "
depending upon the time at which the
user logs in.
(c) Write a shell
script that accepts two director names 'dir1' and 'dir2' , and delete those files in dir2 which are
identical to their namesakes in dir1.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
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