Saturday, 19 September 2015

// // 2 comments 2nd year papers of all branches - utu | UTU previous year all exam papers 2nd year papers of all branches - utu | UTU previous year all exam pape...
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CHEMISTRY SEM.II, 2011 B.TECH UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY  Time: 3 Hours Total Marks :100 SECTION A Attempt any 4 question On the basis of molecular orbital theory explain the paramagnetic nature of O2 molecule. Explain conductivity in conductors, semiconductors and insulators with the help of band theory. What is a hydrogen bond? Explain why p-nitrophenol is more soluble in water than o-nitrophenol. What is Bragg's Law? How the density of a unit cell can be calculated? Give the mechanism of the following...
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COMPUTER GRAPHIC BASIC               UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY B.TECH FIRST YEAR, 2012 COMPUTER GRAPHICS time : 3hr Total marks :100 1. Attempt any two of the following : (a) Lisf and explain some applications for largescreen displays. (b) Define the following terms : (i) Primitive devices (ii) Display file structure (iii) Display control text. (c) Set up a parallel version of Bresenham's algorithm for straight lines of any slope. 2. Attempt any two of the...
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Microprocessor And Its Application

Microprocessor And Its Application Time : 3 hrs calculator is not allowed; Q1: Attempt any four parts: Draw the block diagram of microprocessor and explain it in brief. Explain the physical address formation with the segment and offset words. Discus the improvement of intel 8086 over intel 8085 microprecessor. Describe the function of the 8086 queue. How does the queue speed up processing. Discuss the features of 8085 interrupts. Also explain the SIM and RIM formats. Describe memory segmentation? How can it generate the...
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Data string using c++

Data string using c++UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITYSEM-VI Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 100 >>Attempt any four of the following: >Explain the meaning of following expression f(n) is n0(1) >Prove the following statement 2n+a is 0(2n) >Find the computational complexity for the following loop for (cnt 4 = 0, i=1; i<=n, i*=2) for (j=1; j<=i, j++) cnt 4++; >Write a member function to check whether two singly lists have the same contents. >Write a member function to reverse a singly linked list using...
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Design & Analysis of alogrithms

Design & Analysis of alogrithms Note : Attempt all questions: 1.    Attempt any two of the following : (a) Let f (n) and g(n) be asymptotically positive Functions Prove or disprove each of the following Conjectures: (i) f(n) = o(g(n)) implies g(n) = o(f(n)) (ii) f (n)+g (n)- ᵩ(min(f(n ),g(n))). (b) Show how to implement a first-in, first out queue with a priority queue. Show how to Implement a stack with a priority queue. (c) Let X be a random variable that is equal to the number of heads in two flip...
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APPLIED ELECTRONIC & INSTRUMENTATION UTU PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPERS Attempt any Four parts: Define the word transducer? Also classify them? State the 5 static characteristics of Transducer? Explain the working of LVDT in addition with c type Bourdon tube with proper diagram? For what purposes Strain gauge is used ? Explain semiconductor types & gauges? What do you understand by temperature compensation? how temperature compensation is done using Wheatstone bridge circuit using 2 active elements? Attempt...
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 (SEM. IV) (EVEN SEM.) EXAMINATION, 2013   UNIX AND SHELL PROGRAMMING Time : 2 Hours]                                                                                              [Total...
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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

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tech know classes - educate the people of future

 Techno classes is an initiative to guide people in this era of Technology through various tutorials on latest tips tricks, and Technology on YouTube , blog or personal website. Techno classes is all about technology-lovers , new tricks, tips technology and all what u need to know . it is simply a guide to common people so that they can use various technology without having any technical knowledge about the subject .we provide you all latest tips...
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