Monday, 28 May 2018

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B.Tech 3rd semester DATA STRUCTURES Back Paper Examination - 2016 TCS 303

UTU Previous Year Exam Papers

B Tech III Semester Back Paper Examination - 2016

Time : 3 Hours

Note :  (i) Attempt ALL questio ns.

(ii) All Questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Be precise in your answer.
Total Marks : 100

1. Attempt any four parts of th e following:  (5 × 4 = 20)

(a) Write the traversing a lgorithm for a linear array.
(b) Write down algorithm  for evaluation of prefix expression using stack?
(c) What do you mean b y malloc() and calloc() functions? Explain.
(d) What is a data structu re? Differentiate between primitive and non- primitive data structure?
(e) Explain the following term:

Time complex ity
ii) Sparse matrix
Attempt any four parts of th e following:
(5 × 4 = 20)

(a) Write a program in C to concatenate two singly linked list.
(b) Write a C program for deleting a node from the specified position in the linked list.
(c) Give short notes on:
i) Dequeue ii) Priority queue
(d) Write a C program to implement a queue using linked list.

(e) What is doubly link ed list? Write an algorithm for insertion of a n element in a doubly linked list.

3. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 × 2 = 20)

(a) Discuss the array representation of the binary tree. Write a C progra m that will count all the nodes of a binary tree .
(b) Define AVL tree. Starting with an empty tree, built the AVL tree b fo llowing sequence of
insertion E,K,B,N,L,P,F,M. Also label the rotations according to their types.

(c) Write an algorithm fo r insertion in a Binary Search Tree. Show the Binary Search tree built from a sequence of in sertion for the following sequence of keys: ,16 ,11,14,6,3,17,19,13,1,5

4. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 × 2  = 20)

(a) Describe the concept of binary search techniques and also write its algorithm. Is it efficient than sequential search .
(b) Explain the following with their complexities:
i) Insertion sorting ii) Selection sorting.
(c) Write an algorithm to implement merge sort. Discuss its efficiency. A lso sort the following

25, 57, 48, 37, 12, 92, 86, 33.

Attempt any two parts of the following:
(10 × 2  = 20)

(a) Write short notes on:
i) B+ tree ii) Indexed Sequential files

(b) What is hashing? Giv e the characteristics of hash function. What are different methods of handling overflow in hashing?

(c) Explain the structure of indexed sequential files? What is difference between sequential file and indexed sequenti al file?
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Tuesday, 9 January 2018

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Last Year Paper of BUSINESS COMMUNICATION of Uttarakhand Technical University UTU

Last Year Paper of BUSINESS COMMUNICATION of Uttarakhand Technical University UTU 
you can find Last year question paper and study notes of Uttarakhand Technical University (UTU) here 

B.C.A First Semester Examination-2018
Business Communication

Time Duration: Three Hours 
Total Marks: 70 

Instruction: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1.  What is perceptual organization? Discuss Gestalt’s laws of

        perceptual organization.

Q2.  Discuss the cognitive theory of learning. Also delineate the

        differences between Behavioral school and cognitive schools

        of learning.

Q3.  What is Motivation? Discuss various theories of Motivation 

        and  how they are important in learning?                                    

Q4.  What do you mean by communication? Discuss various barriers

        to the communication.

Q5.  What is written communication? Discuss the various advantages

        written communication has over oral communication.

Q6.  Discuss various techniques and methods used for the appraisal

        or assessment of personality.

Q7.  Define any of the five terms:

       a). Perception

       b). Social learning theories

       c). Upward communication

       d). Personality

       e). Public Speaking

       f). Needs for motivation

       g). Ingredients of successful presentation
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Sunday, 7 January 2018

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MICROPROCESSOR 2013, B.Tech 4th Semester exam paper of Uttarakhand Technical University

MICROPROCESSOR 2013, B.Tech 4th Semester exam paper of UTU

SEM-IV, 2013
utu previous question paper

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Attempt any four questions 
  1. Explain the various types of microprocessor with its evolution period.
  2. Explain the difference between processor and microcontroller.
  3. Explain the interrupt structure of 8279.
  4. Explain the addressing mode of 8085 with suitable examples.
  5. Explain the importance of USB for data transfer.
  6. Draw the block diagram of 8255 and how it differs from 8251, explain.
Attempt any four questions
  1. Draw and explain the pin diagram of 8086.
  2. What are the various status flags provided in 8085? Discuss their role in details.
  3. Discuss the principle of A/D convertor with suitable example.
  4. Draw and explain the timing diagram of opcode fetch cycle.
  5. Explain with examples CALL, RETURN, PUSH and POP instructions.
  6. Explain the flag register and various interrupts of 8086.
Attempt any two questions
  1. What is emulator? Explain how a DAC can be interfaced to an Intel 8087.
  2. Explain the different addressing mode, timer and register bank of 8086 with suitable example.
  3. Differentiate static and dynamic memory? Explain how you can interface 128K byte memory with 8086.
Attempt any two questions 
  1. Justify, why 8251 called as USART? Define the mode word register of 8251 for asynchronous mode.
  2. What are the maskable and non-maskable interrupts? Discuss AHOLD, BREQ and BOFF signals of 80486.
  3. Define the interrupt priority of 8051? Explain the assembler directives, Macros, PROM, SRAM and locator with suitable examples.
Attempt any two questions
  1. What is debugger? Draw and explain the block diagram of keyboard display controller (8279).
  2. Draw the block diagram of 8254 and discuss the default state of 8254 upon power up or reset state.
  3. What is PCI? Write an 8086 program to transfer a block of data. The data is stored in memory from C550H to C55FH. The data is to be stored from C550H to C57FH in reverse order.
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COMPUTER ORNANIZATION 2013, B.Tech 4th Semester exam paper of Uttarakhand Technical University


SEM-IV, 2013

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Attempt any four:
  1. List the major component of computer organization and explain in detail.
  2. Explain the IEEE standard for floating point numbers with suitable examples.
  3. Explain the function of control unit and Instruction format in details.
  4. What is RISC? Draw and explain the Berkeley RISC I instruction format.
  5. Explain the importance of HOLD and HLDA pin data transfer through DMA.
  6. Draw the block diagram of multiprocessor and explain the role of cache coherence in processor.
Attempt any four:
  1. How many switch points are there in a crossbar switch network that connects p processor to m memory modules?
  2. Design an array multiplier that multiplies two 4-bit numbers by using AND gates and binary adders.
  3. What is difference between isolated I/O and memory mapped I/O and also explains the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  4. Calculate the address lines for 8 bytes memory.
  5. Determine the number of clock cycles that it takes a process 200 tasks in a six segment pipeline.
  6. What are the basic difference between a branch instruction, a call subroutine instruction and program interrupt?
Attempt any two:
  1. What is RTL? Represent the number(+46.5)10 as a floating point binary number with 24 bits. The normalized fraction mantissa has 16 bits and the exponent has 8 bits.
  2. Explain the different arithmetic and logic micro-operations. Draw and discuss the 4 bit arithmetic circuit in detail.
  3. Explain the difference between hardwired and micro programmed control unit in detail.
Attempt any two:
  1. Define addressing mode? Write the RISC I instruction in assembly language that will cause a jump to address 3200 if the Z (zero) status bit is equal to 1 by using immediate mode.
  2. What is instruction pipelining? Consider the multiplication of two 40×40 matrices using a vector processor. Find out how many product terms are there in each inner product and how many inner products must be evaluated.
  3. Define the mode of information transfer? Draw and explain the priority interrupt hardware by using four interrupt sources.
Attempt any two:

  1. Draw and explain the block diagram of DMA controller and DMA transfer mechanism.
  2. Explain the various characteristic of multiprocess? or Construct a diagram for a 4×4 omega switching network. Show the switch setting required to connect input 3 to output 1.
  3. Explain memory hierarchy in a computer system? A digital computer has a memory unit of 64K×16 and a cache uses direct mapping with block size of four words. Find out the total numbers of bits in the tag, index, block and word fields of the address format.
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FUNDAMENTAL OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 2013, B.Tech 2nd Semester exam paper of Uttarakhand Technical University

FUNDAMENTAL OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 2013, B.Tech 2nd Semester exam paper of UTU


SEM-II, 2013



Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Attempt any four parts of the following:
  1. Define Semiconductor materials on the basis of energy band diagram with an example.
  2. How electron-hole pairs are generated. Explain the working of different forms of semiconductors.
  3. Why Si is preferred over Ge for manufacturing of electronics devices. How Semiconductors diode behaves as the switch.
  4. Explain the effect of temperature on I-V characteristics of the p-n junction diode.
  5. Differentiate between extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductor on the basis of impurity present in them.
  6. Explain the working of Semiconductor diode at different biasing conditions, no bias, forward bias & reverse bias condition.
Attempt any four parts of the following:
  1. Explain full wave bridge rectifier.
  2. Prove that efficiency of full wave rectifier is 81%.
  3. The reverse saturation current of a silicon diode in 3 nA at 27oC find-
    (i) Reverse saturation current at 82o
    (ii) Forward current at 82o C if the forward voltage applied is 82o C.
  4. Sketch Vo for the circuit shown below D1 and D2 are silicon diodes.
    utu previous year question paper Electronics
  5. Determine Vfor network given below.
    utu previous year question paper Basic Electronics
  6. Explain Voltage Doublers or Voltage Tripler with neat diagram.
Attempt any two parts of the following:
  1. (i) Explain Zener diode, draw its symbol and V-I characteristics.
    (ii) In a Zener voltage Regulator find the range of RLand IL for Load voltage to be constant.
    utu previous year question paper Basic Electronics
  2. Draw a Voltage Regulation that will maintain an output voltage of 20V across a 1KΩ load with an input that will vary between 30 and 50 V. That is determining the proper value of series Resistance (Rs) and maximum current IZM.
  3. Explain Zener Diode application as the shunt regulator.
Attempt any two parts of the following:
  1. (i) Derive the relation between α & β of the transistor, also calculate β for given α= 0.95.
    (ii) Explain potential divider biasing of the transistor.
  2. (i) Explain the working of NPN transistor at no bias and active mode condition.
    (ii) What is closed loop non-inverting amplifier, derive an expression for it.
  3. (i) The BJT amplifier has hfe= 100, VBE = 0.007 V, ICO = 0. Calculate the value of R1 and RC. Such that IC =1 mA and VCE = 2.5V.
    utu previous year question paper Basic Electronics
    (ii) For the following, as shown in the following, determine the output voltage vo if the input voltage vi = 1.2 V.
    utu previous year question paper
Attempt any two parts of the following:
  1. (i) Write down characteristics of ideal OP-AMP.
    (ii) What is close loop non inverting amplifier, derive expression for it.
  2. (i) Convert the following numbers:
    (a) (4021.25)10= ( )2
    (b) (101010.10)4 = ( )8
    (c) (23.AB)16 = ( )2
    (d) (111011)2 = ( )gray code
    (v) (23.53)10 + (23.58)8 = ( )10
    (ii) Minimize the following Boolean function and draw its logic diagram using minimum universal gates.
  3. Explain the construction and working of n-channel enhancement type MOSEFET. Also draw its drain and transfer characteristics of the same.
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