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Uttarakhand Technical University B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering paper of Visual Programming and. net technologies 2015 of 6th semester

UTU B.Tech CSE Question paper of Visual Programming and .net technologies of 6 semester,2015 

Course: B.Tech Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity/board: Uttarakhand Technical University

Here are the question paper of utu, visual programming and. Net technologies year 2015 it may help you to prepare your exam.

B.Tech. (CS)(6th Semester)
Examination, 2015
Visual Programming and .Net Technologies

Max. Marks:100

Q1. Attempt any four parts:
a. How is the common language runtime different from other runtimes available?
b. What are different types of JIT?
c. Explain the components of. Net framework. Draw a neat diagram for the same.
d. What is an assembly? What are the different types of assembly? If you want to view an assembly how would you go about it?
e. Define the following:
(i) namespaces in c#.
(ii) assembly manifest
f. Explain about protected internal access specifier.

Q2. Attempt any four parts:
a. What is the concept of boxing and unboxing? Explain it with suitable examples.
b. Briefly summarize the similarities and differences between arrays and collections.
c. List the differences between a value type and a reference type.
d. Is it possible to have two Main () in a c# code? If so, how is it resolved?
e. What is the difference between String and String Builder classes? Explain.
f. What is an Indexer in c#? Implement a sample indexer.

Q3. Attempt any two parts:
a. What is the .Net runtime's way of dealing with unhandled exceptions? Explain it with suitable example.
b.What do you mean by Encapsulation? Show the use of properties for it.Discuss the role of accessors in defining properties of a class.
c. Explain about protected internal access specifier.

Q4. Attempt any two parts:
a. Define the following:
i. Adhoc Distruction method
ii. System.Gc
b. Explain the following in context with interface:
i. Multicast delegates
ii. Cloneable object
c. What is interface? Explain interface hierarchies with suitable example.

Q5. Attempt any two parts:
a. What are shared assemblies? Also explain delay signing installing and removing shared assembly.
b. What is DLL Hell problem? Explain.
c. List and explain the members of system. Object class.


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